VN - Ren'Py - The Seven Realms [R3 v0.08] [SeptCloudGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Classy Lemon

    A great game with lore, world-building, and a story that's clearly thought through from the start. It has a diverse cast of characters with their own personalities and motivations, so you're guaranteed to find someone you really like.

    It starts out great and continuously gets better as the devs are improving on pretty much every aspect. I've only played Realm 1 so far but I can't wait to play the future Realms to see what they do with it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review as of Release of Realm 1. (This does not include Realm 2)]

    Renders: Excellent
    Sandbox: No, this is a branching AVN.
    Choices: Choices affect reputation with various NPCs and LIs which affects interactions with them
    Humor: Limited, but there are moments.
    Story: Vampires and others (e.g. Werewolves) in the modern world
    Characters: Major characters are developed and backstories and history unfold as you progress. Notably the MC is not young, or naive. He's one of the strongest beings alive (or dead in this case) and can be played as even-tempered, complete *hole, or a mixture.
    Author Support: Patreon, Itch, Steam. No Subscribestar.
    Sexy Bits: Very good
    English: Very Good.
    Music: Well fitted.
    Quantity: Complete first section of the game.

    The first of seven 'Realms', "Realm 1" is essentially a complete story on its own, but also part of a larger arc. How interrelated the realm stories are and the level of callbacks remains TBD. While the story is self contained, there are numerous threads obviously designed to leave to the next Realm to resolve and continue.

    The story centers around the MC(default:Atlas) and Leyala as they discover their past, power struggles, intrigues, plots, and rebellions in the world that the Vampires rule.

    Along the way various other LIs spring up adding to the Harem aspect.

    Overall: A very good well paced story with no significant drips, runs, or errors.
    Great story development, good characters and renders, excellent world building

    The MC is ripped and muscular - the model seems a bit angular looking at times.

    Recommended if:
    You like contemporary harem AVN fare, vampires, werewolves, etc. Story centric AVNs. Fantasy AVNs.

    Not Recommended if:
    You hate the idea of playing before the entire arc of seven realms is complete.
    You don't like the genre.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    English: 9
    User Interface: 8
    User Experience: 8
    Art: 7
    Dialogue: 5
    Story: 7
    Opinion: 5

    I have a weakness for vampire stories. I don't know why, I'm sure it's a flaw in my character. But I'm predisposed to like vamp stories. This one is not bad. I will start this by saying the MC is the most disgusting model used for a MC and I absolutely despise looking at his gross skin, over defined cheekbones, giant eyebrows, edgy heterochromia, and overly form fitting clothing (which I'm sure is a DAZ limitation but I hate it anyway). I really wish it was closer to a first person story than "Look at how big and strong our ugly MC is, he's had sex with thousands of women but doesn't really care... Until now." type of writing. Also there's the weird options to skip the scenes that don't directly involve MC which is a very blatant representation of an inferiority complex and I just don't understand it. Can't watch a girl, that you're forced into a relationship with anyway, touch herself? How little of a human being are you? It boggles the mind.

    I'm unsure how to really order my thoughts, so here's my notes as I took them.
    Starts with MC and friends at a bar and they find MC's "bond mate" Olivia Munn... I mean Leyala
    They're compelled by a bond that cannot be conveyed to the player and then preach that there's no love at first sight but this is literally a story about love at first sight
    She's attacked and MC that just showed up to her hotel room helps her so she follows him out of necessity
    Spoiler she's the twin daughter of MC's sire lucius, half vamp half sprite.
    She gives the cliff notes of her life to MC, who she's known for about 24 hours
    There's about 3 lewd scenes in this time, all spun with the idea tha MC is doing HER a favor by letting him be sexually forward.
    Then a 6 month time jump where instead of developing any sort of character interactions or relationships, it's just a complete non ceremonious "Six months later..." with a slide show of the sex MC and Leyala had. And a bunch of "I taught her things about the world that I will still have to relay to you, the player, but I'd rather do it as "As you know..." dialogue instead of bringing it up semi-fluidly while teaching someone else that knows nothing about the world as well."
    And when MC talks to Zyair they do this garbage "We're alpha males and can't alk about feelings" bullshit as if their 20y/o gym rats not like they're HUNDREDS, IF NOT THOUSANDS of years old.
    MC is constantly regarded as smart and charismatic but everything he does is reactionary and just gets what he wants because of status or "destiny" so you never actually see it more than him saying "I had to rule this realm because lucius doesn't care."
    Ley also brings up letting MC sleep around in the most non-fluid way, during a fight even. "I'm mad at you. Also I won't do it but you can have sex with other people. Even though we've barely been dating."
    Eventually they meet Kali, Ley's sister, and Naya the super werewolf. And make a "rag tag" group of the most powerful beings in the "Realm." But really you're backed by king of Earth and king of the Sprites so not really.
    It becomes a "Prove your worth" story, but MC has been prince for 1k+ years, Naya is the strongest wolf ever, and the twins had too much power so they needed to be twins. What's there to prove?
    This also makes constant jabs at twilight, but it reminds me of vampire diaries, which is laterally cringey, different, but still just as cringey "I may look and act like I'm 20, but I must remind you I'm old. And also super strong and awesome"
    I like that the plot evolves but it sometimes feels like it's losing focus at times.

    I'm a little torn on this. As you can tell. A lot of the dialogue and writing are just garbage cocky "I'm great" baloney, but other times it's personable and I like it. Sure, it's written smarter and the English isn't horribly broken, but when the MC is the actual 3D avatar of an inferiority complex, you get disillusioned pretty fast. The story and world building are good. I like how things are presented and it isn't started by some long boring lore dump. But MC being so much of a Gary Stu, even before he was a vampire, I just end up rolling my eyes at a bunch of the dialogue, at least relating to him. The UI and UX are all very much above average but the font was either default or so close to default I just didn't like looking at it. The art is fine, typical DAZ stuff, and as stated I don't like the MC, there's a lot of clipping issues, and the sex scenes looked a bit like everyone was soaked in baby oil and just trying to gain balance lol. I will say they're a decent speed and they don't look like they're floating in jello, but bodies just don't move in some of the ways that are in this VN. The English in my rating is also for spelling, grammar, and such there were a few jarring lines, but I didn't get angry reading this, as if it were a google translated children's novel, and it mostly felt naturalistic, if not a little on the bland side at times, but very good.

    TLDR Give it a read. It's not bad but Ugly Gary-Stu protagonist and in my opinion the scope makes it seem like it might get drawn out just a bit. But whatever, form an opinion on your own.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    played it on steam. lovely story i like monster-demon theme stuff. renders looks okay. some animations a little cluncky and goes into-inside stuff not supposed to. but i play these games for the story-mood. not really much for horny bang bang all the time. great game will definitely follow the devs future updates.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I played the game first time and that was last night. This game surprised me on so many level, in a single game play of this game this game become my one of the favourite game.

    What I loved

    1. After so long a game with with great story.
    2. Choices rich environment.
    3. Choices really do matter.
    4. I liked the animations.
    5. Li are okk but really I really care about asian milf and asian girls in game.
    6. Support character are awesome.
    7. Character development is awesome.
    8. Inter dependence on multiple character and their story is breathtaking.

    What I don't like or I don't card about in this VN game.
    1. Female character model of main LI and Harem are not sexy or young enough :cautious::whistle:.
    Exception : Asian Milf and girls related to that race and that black beauty is sexy AF.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    About the game: If you are a fan of the supernatural fantasy lore and like to play such games like me then this game is definitely one to try. Got everything from Vampires, Werewolves, Witches and even Hybrid.

    Renders are great and the Lis are all great with different personalities. The story is different and interesting.

    CHOICES ACTUALLY MATTER; wanna be a nice loving vampire you can, wanna be a dick you can, wanna have different reactions to different situations YES YOU CAN.

    About dev:
    Clearly shows someone who has already planned and has a good idea how/where he wants to take the game going forward which reflects positively on the story.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Something about the way it's written, how much focus there is on the story and all just rubs me the wrong way, it was a throughly boring experience to play through, also the MC is ugly.

    I still gave some stars for the effort and graphics.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.11

    Playing this felt like I was reading someone's weird fifty-thousand word vampire fanfiction about their own OCs. Long story short, I dropped this.

    I have so many problems with this that I don't even really know where to begin. I think the culmination of most of them can be summed up into this: 90% of what I played consisted of things being off-screened and listening to boring expositions. This includes relationships, character development, action, and anything that was remotely interesting.

    Instead of watching the MC form relationships with the love interests, we get "bond mates" who are instantly in love with us despite being strangers days prior because of some weird spiritual connection. To me, it feels like a cheap trick to skip character development I suppose. At first it was actually a bit interesting. It seemed like things were still going to move slower and be given time to build up proper.

    Then we are hit with a jarring 6 month time skip.

    We skip the MC and the girl getting to know each other. We skip the girl, who didn't know things like vampires existed, adjusting to these new revelations. We skip all the weird complications this might have with other vampires, and the werewolves who were just trying to kill her. It's now all lovey dovey talk that feels so weirdly forced.

    This doesn't just happen with the love interest either. All of the plot is being told to us by the same couple characters sitting in the same couple of rooms. I'm being told I should care about all of these characters and story, but not shown it if that makes sense.

    I got to a point where I started to skim through the dialogue, then started holding the skip button, and finally questioned what I was doing and closed the game. Definitely not for me.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is incredibly solid. There's really nothing I would consider bad about it, though I believe there are some things that could be improved upon.

    But we'll get to that, first come the pros. The renders are great, the characters are all distinct and the world is sufficiently unique and deep to keep me interested. I'm especially fond of the animations, they are excellently done and portray actual love-making, with caresses and kisses and little details that make the characters feel alive.

    Now, things that could improve. First is the pacing: it's quite jarring and fast, not really giving us enough time to settle into the story. I understand wanting to skip to the plot beats, but having some more downtime with the characters develops them more and lets us get attached to them.
    Second is the grammar: while there are no major mistakes, it's clear that whoever wrote the dialogue isn't exactly fluent in conversational English. Don't get me wrong, it's leagues above 95% of this entire website, but there are certain turns of phrase and word placements that come off as unnatural. Not exactly a pressing issue, since everything is perfectly legible, but something to consider.

    Anything I didn't mention like music or sounds or UI was perfectly serviceable, I'm not one to focus on those aspects but if they were in any way egregious I would've pointed them out.

    To conclude, this is a pretty stellar VN that is worth a read.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Nothing is wrong in the idea of this game. fantasy stories as a genre can be intricate, but generally all stories are simple if you reduce it to a summary or a pitch. a lot of it is in how the story is told. the reveals, the tension, the mystery, the subtlety. this game has none of that finesse. it spoon feeds you everything in boring exposition dumps. also the facts stated by characters don't necessarily match how characters act.

    this is fantasy for dummies.

    with popular species such as vampires or werewolves, you kind of need to have an interesting twist or unique aspect to your version in order to stand out and not just be twilight fan fiction. you won't find any clever twists here. the very beginning is interesting. you meet an attractive woman and there is a strange obsession and mystery, it is like film noir. then it all goes very downhill.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm still playing this game and can already say that the game is good.
    It seems the game is getting better the more chapters I played, there is an actual storyline which is interesting to follow.

    The lewd scenes are well made, with alot of animations, LI's are nice and have realistic body proportions.
    MC is not your teenage douchebag but an adult who has a lot to carry on his shoulders.

    There are alot of different locations to explore, different assets are used throughout the game, not just copy/paste.

    But hey what's up with all those shaven pussies again :mad:... some ppl actually like to see some bush down there (atm there is only 1 Chinese gal with a neat trimmed bush).

    This game is a fresh wind after all the other games I played with no story in whatsoever (my new family, harem hotel, grandma's house, nudist school).

    Dev, keep up the good work.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2368932

    Let me start of by saying that this is a really good game and I wholeheartedly recommend it! It's obviously not perfect, but the flaws are minor. Early on in the game some facial expressions look a bit over the top or strange, and the writing can sometimes get a bit messy. These really are nitpicks though. The basic premise and the setting are really cool, I love this take on vampires and the supernatural. The story is compelling and the romance sweet. The game also looks pretty good, and the cast of LIs is top notch. It's not huge, but I'll take quality over quantity any day, and boy are these LIs quality! I'm also a sucker for the star-crossed or destined lovers trope, and this game does that really well.

    The game is pretty romance focused, as mentioned, and while it's not entirely vanilla def don't play this expecting a kinkfest. I don't mind that one bit, but it's something to be aware of. While the game is good right from the start, I also think it improves a lot as it goes on, so if you're not crazy about it immediately I urge you to give it a bit of time!

    So yeah, a romantic vampire game with cool lore, a compelling story and dope renders and animations. I loved it, and I hope you will too!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    As of Realm 1 Completion(v0.11) I give this a solid 4.5 stars.

    Overall Story * * * * *
    Character design * * * *
    Character Development * * * * *
    Story Pacing * * * * *

    I took of 1/2 point because I feel the renders are a bit too bright. They look nice but to me it seems the ambient lighting is set too high and you lose detail that would otherwise be accented by more pronounced shadows(even if only slightly).

    Also for me personally it starts to irritate my eyes after a while and forces me to stop to rest my eyes.

    Keep up the good work. I am looking forward to the next release.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome play. Nice Story. There should be backstory to why Atlas has 3 bond mates. what makes him different and powerful. Gameplay is great. Loved it. Great concept of the game. Every updates are filled with great detail and animations.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    As of v0.11
    One of the best games that you will find here with an amazing story , well written characters and stunning female models and music that adds a nice feeling while playing this game . Pacing of the game is very good and sex scenes are animated and erotic . Each update has at least 1 sex scene along with the story moving forward . Most importantly game gets frequent up[dates with a nice amount of content for each update . Nice end to this realm 1 , watched realm 2 trailer , and looking forward to see how the story unfolds in the next realm .
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    It´s losing quality.

    The beggining was very interesting and fun. There was an actual story a clear (and hot) love interest and it had a thriller vibe.
    It fell on the usual traps. the story expanded too fast adding nonsense, more uninteresting love interests and right now it´s a boring mess.
    I find myself clicking to get to the sex scenes, but why did i bother? It´s not worth it.

    A rewrite of would probably salvage this but i´m not really interested anymore.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This Game is just Awesome. The Visuals are great (in some scenes in the early chapters they are sometimes a little buggy tho) but overall this game looks just gorgeous. The Women look pretty good and even tho i dont like the look of the MC its not that bad that you cant look at it.
    Storywise i generally enjoy Vampire focused plots and i have to say this one is pretty enjoyable. Even tho the Story moves kinda fast sometimes (Basically when things are starting to getting revealed) it slows down again to a more realistic and imo more enjoyable pace. I first thought it could be a bother having such a powerful MC (Vampire Prince one of the mightiest beeings and all) but it hasnt been too bad so far. There are still things Atlas cant solve with brute force so its not beeing mindnumbingly boring. Maybe we will even see some epic fight between someone as powerful as atlas and him where he really struggles but manages to barely win or whatever :)

    Overall i gotta say if you like Vampire/Fantasy based Storys with great Visuals you have to try this.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This one is a not so little gem. Visuals are top notch. It is one of the few AVNs where I never skip. The story is really good, like World of Darkness good. No mistakes in the writing, no bugs.(I don't use the patch)
    It has a gallery and achievement system. The gallery can be a bit confusing, but is great. The achievement system helps to explore all choices.
    Every character is fleshed out, I really like the MCs fair brutality. I usually don't like AVN MCs.
    All in all a truly great experience and the cherry on the cake is, unlike other AAA AVNs, which get 1-2 updates a year, it gets updated quite often. (this the reason I play only after every second update)
    Thank you dev for this masterpiece.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    seriously this a great game
    the story and writing is so compelling i found my self still playing even after fapping just to see the story unfold thats good story telling in my book

    the renders and animation are on point and well defined.

    i like how most things have a choice available giving you the freedom to really set the story

    4 and a half stars from me rounded up to five stars. this is a game i would love to see the dev run with and keep creating this master piece of a game that it is looking like it is. thumbs up dev
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    The Seven Realms is a VN where you play as the vampire prince of the entire planet, find his mates, and fuck them.

    I wish I could tell you there's more to this game, but there really isn't. The Seven Realms has one very serious problem that ruins just about everything in the game. The game's entire story is told instead of shown.

    Mind you, I'm not talking about action sequences. This is Ren'Py, I'm not expecting the game to be a full FMV or anything. The issue is that characters tell us how they feel, not show. We are told how the world works, not shown. We are told what characters are like, not shown. Virtually everything in the game is related through clinical, dry narrative instead of through character actions or even just witnessing the scenes in question.

    To name a few, we're constantly told throughout the game that the realm ruled by Lucius is a disastrous mess due to his apathy. We are never shown this through witnessing unruly vassals, plotting courtiers, violence amongst the populace, or any other signs of imperial decay. This is in large part because the world is basically never explored; once again, we're told about features in the world, never shown. The first sign we see of instability is a full on rebellion which felt more plot motivated than the symptom of greater unrest.

    Another instance of being told not shown is bonds within the world. Despite being basically the pivotal feature which the game is based on, most of Atlas and Leyala's relationship takes place off screen, outside of the sex. There are multiple spontaneous time skips in the story, most of which seemed to be used to gloss over Atlas and Leyala getting to know one another, ya know one of the most important parts of any VN. What the readers learn about bonds, they learn through plot exposition and dry recitations from characters. We rarely see how characters feel and learn how the bond changes them.

    Lastly on the subject of being told things rather than shown is Atlas himself. We're told through several sources, including Atlas himself, that Atlas is a grade A asshole who's cold, calculating, and cares little for others. While obviously he goes through a change by bonding with Leyala, we're told this sudden warmth is only in regards to her. However, we're never shown this fact. The number of times Atlas interacts with neutral characters can be counted on one hand throughout the game. Lots of those scenes feature Gina, a character Atlas can end up fucking who he insists he doesn't care about despite having the options to be at least civil and honestly a little warm towards her. Nothing about the attitude the game insists Atlas has rings true.

    Outside of the story and characters, the renders and animations are decent but not incredible. While I have few complaints about the renders, a lot of the animations are awkward, though there are a few that are genuinely good.

    Overall though, I don't feel like the game is worth playing. While the concept is interesting, the execution leaves something to be desired. A VN where you're told how characters feel and how the world works is missing the point.