VN - Ren'Py - The Seven Realms [R3 v0.08] [SeptCloudGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    Pretty enjoyable journey with lots of likeable characters. The characters are likeable, but not devoid of flaws. Also, the renders are pretty much incredible. I've seen many animations and effects I have never seen in any other AVN so production value is top notch.

    My only complaint is that the MC loses protagonism as the story progresses. Of course, other characters should get the spotlight from time to time or the world would feel empty, but by the end of the current content, all of the protagonism is on the harem. It's about their flaws and their growth. I also get that the MC is an ancient being, but even he needs to grow, considering there are even more ancient beings.

    Also, there are many drawn-out conversations where the MC doesn't even get a single word in and there are even some cases where you are penalised for interrupting the conversation. If this is fixed, this could easily become my favourite AVN on the site.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Benign Sin

    So many notably excellent things about this game, and so many glaring flaws in it's execution.

    This game is an anomaly in that they seem to have done all the difficult things really well. I love the plot, the characters, the universe and all the relationships. The , script, dialogue, design and overall visual appeal of the game is top tier but the animations are generally very weak. There are more rendering flaws than i've ever seen in a game like this.

    The game and story have me compelled to continue playing in spite of it's sloppy execution. It's a stark contrast to so many games that prioritize visuals and fall so short on writing and world building. My wish for this game is that the production get handed off to a more experienced, polished crew.

    Seven Realms is 3/4 of an absolute all time classic.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    On the plus side, the females are pretty good looking, the writing is solid, the overall plot is interesting, and the sex scenes are frequent. However, the unfuckable enemy females are really unnatractive, which is a pretty stupid spoiler.
    Some of the sex scenes are good, while others are pretty bland. The addition of multiple angles in realm 2 is a very good touch (although I'd prefer more first person POV, but that's just me). The "continue" button in the scenes is really confusing, since in most games it means "continue [to the next position], but here it means "continue [in this position]", which means it does the same as not clicking. It should be removed or at the very least renamed. I'm not a big fan of the MC's thoughts during the scenes as well. Something about them just doesn't vibe with me. I think it may be that these lines are somewhere between natural reactions to sexual events and a detached narrator telling the viewer what the MC is experiencing. Maybe it works for some people, but I don't like reading this middle ground. Sexually, this game is strong, if not perfect. Maybe 4 stars there.
    Also, it's not really explained why the MC's girlfriend(s) grant him license to fuck absolutely everything. I'm not a fan of the whole "mate bond" magic thing.
    Ba'el's name is a problem. It's clearly derived from the semetic deity Baal/Ba'al, who comes into Western culture through Judiasm (and then through Christianity). However the ending "el" is Hebrew for (basically) "of God". That's why so many Jewish names end in "el": Michael, Gabriel, Rachel, and a bunch of other ones which I don't remember off the top of my head. Renaming Ba'al to Ba'el is extremely ignorant, at best, and offensive, if intentional. I'm going to call him "Ba'al" instead, because it's better.
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    Also, I don't like his face.
    The choices, however, are frequently terrible. Frequently, you have the option to either do A. nothing, or B. "punish" someone by murdering them. I'd like a middle ground between being spineless and a psychopath. The MC also frequently fails to give the important women the chance to give input on choices, even when they should be the one making the decision. Generally, it seems like the MC and/or the writers don't respect them.
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  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Graphically, the game stands at a high level.
    Story - Very and engaging
    Music - On point although it can sometimes be annoying due to the fact that it is looped and sometimes one song flies too long.
    Models - At a high level.
    Girls - Not counting the three main girls and maybe a little Gina the rest of the girls although they show some personality you don't build a relationship with them, they just jump on the MC dick.
    MC - It was enjoyable to play, respect to the developer for not supplementing the story with a million of his thoughts and presto for the fact that the protagonist is not creepy.

    Definitely a game worth playing but.

    The start of the game is tragic, we meet a girl who is forced, we have activity with her in bed and boom six months later xD
    So much is good that we have control over who we want to sleep with, even the forced ones.
    Dev tends to forget certain details in the story and doesn't return to them leaving us in the dark just jumping in with the story two weeks later, for example.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Back in v0.11 I didn't think I'd enjoy the game as much as I have, Now in v0.19 It has quickly climbed the ranks to be one of my favorite VN's to go through, Probably #2 or #3 on my listen currently, (Nothing can beat Sorcerer by Talothral to me). I'm very excited to see how much this game will progress!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Unbiased Seven Realms Review.

    -Good amount of content so far.

    -Lore rich universe, similar to Underworld.

    -Ui is great and the game feels polished in that regard. No bugs no crashes.

    -Firstly you're literally stuck with the first girl you meet in the FIRST minute of the game. Stuck as in your characters become a couple through vampire bond crap.
    Writing a character that we are loyal to without even any ounce of prior history other than we had sex and then timeskip for 6 months is horrible for the player to even bother caring about the character.

    - Sex scenes are very poorly made and uninspiring.

    -You barely remember some of the characters but then down the road you're given a choice regarding their plotlines.

    -Literally zero inclination to fuck any character in this game, Twilight had a better romance and that's not saying much.

    Overall it isn't a bad game if you just want to be buff vampire overlord and do the same chicks over and over again. But as far as fantasy stories could've been written in an AVN format, this one misses.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Most games find me repeatedly clicking through boring, mundane, pointless, conversations in an attempt to find something interesting. This game had me immediately regret that bad habit, as I've had to back up multiple times in order to read conversations and narrations because of my growing interest in the story and lore that the author created. While some of the sex scenes do feel a little forced and rushed, overall the best part about this game is the story development. I want to see a full on tv show based off of this story. The dev needs to write a full book series off of this game. I would read it.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has an average to good story, above average renders, you do have choices and all. Even if the game doesnt stands out for any of these aspects they are good enough and i would not take away any stars in any of them... but the weakest points for me is the sex and the "romance aspect", and this takes away 1 stars from each... theres no much build up, no chimestry or sexual tension
    For the sex content. (Contain sex spoilers.)
    1 - MC is chating with Leyala, we have a option to have sex with her or not. If we say yes, next render he gives her a kiss, next render shes walking to the bed already naked while mc is lying already naked on the bed, next render shes already giving him a BJ........when sex ends, we can choose do it inside or outside, next render shows where you chose, next render MC is talking with the black guy later on the same night.
    2- MC is talking with Mei and she offers sex. If you say yes, then theres 2 renders of them saying "for science" to each other, next render shes already sucking his dick with both of them already naked, when it ends you can choose inside or outside, theres a render of it and update ends...yeah, just like that. ..And its almost the same for any sex scene i can remember..some have a bit more but still not enough to create sexual tension
    Its like they didnt want to make a porn game and just attached some sex scenes to it, so even scenes with major characters seems like filler sex.
    For the "romance aspect", characters dont seem like they are really close because the romance development is not good,... this game was not able to convince me that MC really loves any of the women, the relationships seems artificial and without substance ...and the way sex scenes are constructed doesnt help.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    10 hours playing on Steam.

    • The story is decent.
    • Female characters are beautiful
    • Good dialogue
    • The lewd scenes are so boring, feels like it's separated from the plot. The MC and 2 girls just met each other first time and were able to do a threesome after that lol
    • I feel kind of disappointed about the character Kerros, I expect his strength will be 8/10 compared to Lucius because of his first impression. But then later we see that Atlas can treat him like a puppy.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Medicore, everything about this game is kind of medicore(season 1/chapter 1 that was the last time I played). The plot is extremely weird and boring in the beginning and is a mess. Characters build up is even worst, there is apparently no good reason why people like the Mc other than the fact he is a heir and is a playboy(hard to believe considering he seems extremely dumb). Graphics are pretty good and some of the female characters model is also great. Sadly, the plot sucked so much for me that I dropped it and developer really need to find a balance between porn and story.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of v0.17. One of the better games I've seen on here, the plot is actually good and graphics do show an improvement from the start till the latter parts of the game. I was so impressed with this game that I bought it on Steam to library collection. Hope that this takes off and when it is completed some of the textures at the start can be touched up to be on par with the more recent renders.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    the descriptor of 4 stars on this site is "good" and that is a perfect description for this game: it's good. It's not one of the best games around, but it's also not as bad as some of the reviews here are saying.
    First the good.
    The characters are engaging and you have the ability to mold the MC and the LIs in ways that hopefully will bear fruit in the long run.
    Most of the models are quite attractive and the still renders are solid. The dev also has a nice eye for framing the sex scenes so the still renders are quite arousing.
    The narrative is pretty pulpy but not in an awful way and while i do admit to skipping through some of the more domestic scenes I did find myself interested in where the narrative was going
    now the bad.
    While the narrative is engaging the writing is spotty. Too often the characters speak like 15 year olds which is especially off putting for characters that are suppose to be 100s of years old.
    While visualy the game is well put together overall, the animations are spotty, they appear to be getting better but still have too many odd artifacts like clothes clipping, poke through in a hair cap or teeth looking strange. Animations are difficult and the ones here aren't awful, some do add quite a bit to the sex scenes but they're too spotty overall to rate this as high as some of the best games out there.
    finally it would be nice to see a bit more impact to the molding of the characters. For example pushing Leyala to be more assertive with your choices should open up opportunities for her to be more assertive sexually as well. This happens once early on but should be a bigger part of the game imo.
    Overall a good game and recommended for pretty much anyone who likes fantasy/vampire stuff. If you aren't into that or have harem/power fantasy withdrawl this game probably won't interest you
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I really can't find anything bad that would be worth mentioning here. This is a great game. Writing is superb, setting is not overused and the renders and animations are good too. He, there is even the option to skip sex scenes for the rare individual that visits this site and does not want to see them.

    Overall a great game, and I REALLY hope it does not go the same way as a similar, now abandoned game...
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    365 others

    The game has good renders and I liked the art, but sadly that's where I have to stop. The story is catchy at the beginning and included some good jokes at the beginning, but as the acts go by, it becomes boring, predictable, and repetitive. There are no real consequences for the MC's choices rather than some changes in the dialogs, with the exception of the ones when meeting the original LI. The main story/plot continues as if nothing.

    LI relationships are also a mess. From having ¨the bond¨ with the initial LI as something magical and unique, MC ends up bonded with the half town in there, without a real or well-developed reason. The fact that nearly all the female characters in the game throw themselves at the MC doesn't help much with it.

    At a certain point, it becomes more of a porn game, as there are more lewd scenes than dialogs/stories. Even with good art/renders/animations, it becomes too much and gets frustrating.

    All in all, the idea for the plot was interesting but did not get to be developed as it deserved.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    The game has some decent art, but the MC and many other characters have downright ugly creepy features.

    The letter font is also very ugly and the UI as well.

    There's no preface or any sort of story telling, you just play a pretentious dude who gets all he wants with zero effort
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    I really didn't expect to be that bad, I really love vampire story but with this game is not hit all that well for me for short answer I don't believe the story or is hard for me to believe this game have so much big holes that it make you hard to attach on the characters maybe because it feels rush and the relationship between the character (the build-up don't exist at all one of the example it's leyala that escalated quickily from strange to lovers in 30 minute? and all dev bet was with this "bond mate" like some magically connection it permit to skip and fuck all build up relationship between the character).
    The graphic it's not wow it's mediocre not terrible but acceptable this game have problem with the lights in most of the scenes.
    mc and lucius face it's cringe as fuck it remind me of twilight zone it feel so unconfortable to play this game and this is only on start of the game....I refuse to believe that most people around here that give 5/5 it accept so easy this terrible story, to be so ignorant I'm worried of the future generation that will come will promovate terrible story and the good one have low ranting it's not first time when I see on f95 this behaviour...
    This game is hard to deserved 3/5 star more of that it will be to much for what they offer.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    • Amazing story ft. Vampires, Werewolves, Fairies, Demons, etc.
    • Incredible renders with gorgeous ladies
    • Top-notch scenes
    • Frequent, reasonably sized updates
    • Great dialogue
    • Not many choices (if that bothers you)
    • A lot of information to keep track of
    • I dunno, MC is kinda ugly? lol
    The Seven Realms is one of the best visual novels you'll ever find. Whether you are here for the story or the sex you're going to rank this one in the top 5.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.14 (Will be unfiltered light spoilers)

    Rating: 8/10

    In an attempt to keep this short (I ramble for hours) I'll break this down into story/characters.

    Story: An interesting premise and one I haven't played here on F95 yet. I like the plot, It's a good choice to make MC the prince and not all powerful (Even he has to jump through hoops). You also learn with the MC which helps you feel a part of the story. Mysteries are revealed and It may change your opinion of characters In a natural way. It's fun is probably the simplest way to describe it. Plenty of sex scenes and they're pretty hot too. The writing is above average or the most part.

    Characters: On the surface, they are all done well. Their own motivations make sense and feel realistic. They look great In my opinion (Naya is smoking). Harem's aren't my thing but there is reasoning within the story for this to work and It's done well, to the point it doesn't bother me much.
    My main issues are the connections/romances with the characters. They were close but non-existent for me personally.
    The only character I really felt for/connected with to some extent was Effie. I felt terrible about her story at the start. I was close with Ley but then the story shifted and introduced the bond mates. The best way to form connections with characters seems to be: Put them in danger or give them a hardship (Effie), or spend lots of time together doing character development (dates ect..) I just didn't get enough of it for me personally.
    Of course, time needed to form a connection is subjective but It was still a problem for me, I want to experience the story whilst caring about the characters.

    Conclusion: As with most of my reviews, I still recommend this game highly. I admittedly have a hard time forming connections so maybe the majority will love this one as there's tons of good here. I think In my opinion, I would have preferred to just have Ley as the main LI and therefore we would have more time with her.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It might be the first time I come across a well-made game about vampires and werewolves, so it feels nice knowing this game exists, the characters are all unique and the renders are quite incredible, sex scenes are very well made and offer some spare time between the story. You become quite fond of the main character and his bond mate that you forget that you can have fun with other characters as well. Truly a magnificent sight of a game, definitely recommend
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5606666

    Just half way playing it, but the graphics is very beautiful, and the music makes it even more mysterious. I ofcourse can't say original (Vampire/werewold story, 12 in a dozen on TV), even though for me for a VN it's an original story.

    Not directly going to a sex scene, gives it a real nice build up, and an interesting back story...