Ren'Py - Genex Love [v0.9.96] [Reboot Love]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Genex Love is a VN with a resource management/combat side gig. It follows the story of an aspiring super hero with no super powers living in a world full of people with super powers and alien monster attacks. Naturally it turns out he does have super powers, which he acquires by fucking super heroes... what exactly did you expect on this site?

    The game's core is a choice based VN. We follow the MC as he goes about his school life and make decisions as to whether he wishes to be a hero (frequently a doormat) or an antihero/villain (generally a huge asshole). So far there are a decent number of choices which dramatically change event outcomes before they bottleneck back to the main storyline. I have yet to notice any substantially different storyline outcomes based on your character’s past decisions, but it’s early in the game’s development cycle so I’m willing to give it a pass.

    The sideshow in the game is a combat system/resource management game. Basically you train your character's stats with money in order to fight battles to reduce the danger level in the city. If the danger level gets too high, you lose. The combat system is determined almost entirely by the MC's stat line and offers very little in the way of finesse or decision making. There is an option to skip the combat, but you'll still need to play the resource management game, which will continue to influence the skipped combats. The gameplay is overall very forgettable, which leaves the story.

    At first glance, the story is pretty good. There are some good scenes, some decent development in character relationships, and some climactic battles. However, as the story continues, things get more and more confusing. Planned events happen with little to no warning, characters spontaneously pop out of the woodwork for scenes, or the MC randomly runs into people. Individually, there are a lot of great scenes, but things are problematic as a whole.

    The problem is that there’s no narrative arc. More accurately, the main story has a narrative arc and each of the girls have their own narrative arcs, but none of them are related to one another. It’s like trying to read a dozen unrelated books, and being forced to change between them each chapter. This type of story structure can be pulled off, but it requires a single narrative than can fit scenes from different characters instead of individual scenes which have no relation other than a shared character. Done well, you have Persona or Game of Thrones; done poorly, you have a series of short stories about the same people which feel like they happen at random.

    This is definitely exacerbated by the sheer number of girls in the game. There’s nearly a dozen already with no guarantee there won’t be more. While I rather like most of them individually, jumping between them for events and interactions is a bit much. It definitely doesn’t aid the game’s cohesion.

    Overall, Genex Love is a cool game in theory, but leaves a lot to be desired in practice. The boring combat/resource management sub-game could have been saved by a great story and characters, but it’s just not enough. If you've really got a thing for superhero stories and koikatu models, you might still enjoy it, but there are times when the game feels like a confusing mess.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Doom Marine

    I found this game a few weeks ago version 0.2.52, and how I played and how I played the current version v.0.3.0 I'm here to give my opinion about the game!

    Let's start with DEV, who also created two other games, Reboot Love 1 and 2, it seems to me that DEV learned from its mistakes when it came to the perverted content of the game, I remember that femdom content was totally forced down its throat in Reboot love 1. It seems to me that from the second game and from Genex Love, DEV leaves the optional fetishes for those who want to play with or without, of course that option deactivated you will lose half of the content. Which, I decided to do a second play with all the shit active to compare, and another reason I came to Review, with that shit out of the way.

    As much as this game's story is yet another copy of the story of RL1 and 2, it manages to stand out with the options given to the MC, I like that you can choose to be a hero or villain, and even more so a real middle ground option as a vigilante (which I personally am doing).

    About the MC, the biggest issues I have are, foremost, the overload of what appears to be boy love, considering 75% of the scenes in the first few chapters just have him and his degenerate best friend talking asking how a couple of betas doing the whole loser otaku thing and more interested in adding mental pics to their spanking bank instead of actually fucking because MC is a beta pussy when it comes to women, and we have so few options to control the outcome so far. That and for an erotic harem game in 2 chapters and only got laid twice both times, almost being forced into it. Nowhere, not even the ballpark of fucking anyone else... plus the MC has adopted the pathetic, idiotic Japanese stupidity that puts work above all else in life, skipping life in general, except the kid wears hero duties instead of real work, going so far as even running away from girls or blocking.

    I don't understand why MC revealed as superhero for Lisha, and not for her Roomie?! this shit doesn't make sense, if you ain't following her route.

    I pretty much liked all the girls, except for two, in mind would be Amanda and Vellaine. I think Amanda is that kind of Tsundere character that doesn't encompass anything, she's just there to stop MC from winning over the other girls, yep... Likewise, I'm tired of this type of character. Every time I see her, she calls the MC perv, it's annoying as fuck. Vellaine is an open-minded type of girl who doesn't care about much and likes to have fun, but sometimes her open-mindedness bothers me.

    My favorite girls being Rei and Jennika are the only girls who were willing to go their separate ways.

    The mechanics of the game leave something to be desired, like the MC's statuses are not useful in boss fights... with an example of the MC's battle against winter on the bridge on the 8th, even if his status is high, his performance in the fight it's horrible. I would understand if the MC's status was low before the confrontation, but no, it's not like that, his status only serves to fight mobs during his free time. So that negates the fact that I click a button to earn money and click another button to increase a stat that effectively makes no sense to me. The introduction of the prison system makes little sense, other than it is utterly pointless and boring.

    Another weakness of the game, MC is shown as weak and pathetic, literally a punching bag for others.

    From the beginning I'm noticing this, the MC's fight against Winter on the bridge where you find Jesus and Shin. the mass attack, where Foxy attacks you. That other mass attack of the villains where you meet Redmoon for the second time, and you fight the Gerard guy, your fight against Ginger-girl, when Erick gives you a Hero uniform... Seriously, there was a lot of fighting, one after the other. and all I see is defeat after defeat for the MC.

    So far I haven't seen a solemn victory on the part of the MC. and let's completely disregard your fight against Gerard, however much you beat him. still, you took a beating. you don't have to defeat everyone with one punch but it's not being a punching bag right!

    This slow burn in developing MC skills is completely ridiculous, and as if the game's own story is nerfing the MC's abilities. And please fix the girls' status UI, this current game UI doesn't show my position regarding girls' love or hate.

    And finally, DEV seems that before releasing a version of the game to the public, he needs another more recent update to be in the hands of patrons. Like, if version 0.2.52 is in the public's hand, then he releases version 0.3.0 to the patrons and this version is only in the public's hand if another version is ready in the patrons' hand. This is annoying and to me, not unlike hiding your content behind a paywall. It would be nice to update this means of distributing the game, I know some developers that release their updated content after two weeks of being in the hands of patrons.

    It's regrettable, having to wait for updates and wait even longer for another version to arrive and the previous version to be released to the public.

    By the way, the rendering of the girls is excellent for being done in koitatsu, I didn't really like the MC's appearance, I think Erick's appearance would fit better for an MC. Also, when you level up, it plays the music of epic sax guy xD.

    But anyway, that's it, this game has a lot of potential. It's a great VNs with a sandbox element that you can hang out with. Between the two previous games from the dev that I played, Genex Love really hooked me, it's worth watching this game!
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v.0.3.0

    Genex Love is honestly a decent superhero themed game to sink some time into, but it's got problems that hold me back from really enjoying it.

    There are a lot of things I can nitpick about, but my core issue is this: the game gets very stale the longer it goes. The superhero plot gets incredibly bogged down by what feels like random and mundane events with the girls that have no bearing on anything else. The game over-uses the same renders to a fault and even skimps out on them in places, making it boring to look at after awhile. Most of the characters feel one-dimensional, and in general all seem kinda stupid? And the MC gets annoying after the 20th time you hear him freak out after seeing something slightly lewd.

    The sandbox part as it is, is frankly super boring for me. I turned off the fights because I didn't care for them, so what does it leave me with? Literally nothing. I can click a button to earn money and click another button to increase a stat that's effectively meaningless to me. Now to caveat that, the introduction of the prison system seems to solve that a bit, but not fully. I don't think the sandbox part is meshing well with the more standard visual novel part.

    Imo, this game should have just went full sandbox. The VN part feels disjointed. Letting me choose which girls to progress when I want to and giving me control to see the plot at the pace I want to see it would have solved a lot of my problems I think.

    All of these negatives aside, there are some fun parts of the game for sure. I think the MC's superhero power is fun for an AVN. I'm liking that you can choose to be a hero or villain, and more so an actual middle ground option as a vigilante (what I'm personally going with). The girls are also cute, and some of the lewd scenes actually above average for Koikatsu.

    Nothing blows me away with this game, but if you go into it with low expectations you can have some fun here.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    As of version v0.3.0

    I love the idea of a paranormal/supernatural VN.
    However I said idea for a reason, as they aren't pulled off very well or seemingly a clone of something else.

    With that said, I'm glad to see something with a unique twist that I haven't seen before.
    After too many vampire games or anything that is either just a repeat of something else or plot that cant go any where.

    I love the fact this sets up that, you will have different out comes and doesn't overly punish you or make you feel guilty for your choice. I usually play good but if a game lets you play bad, I tend to feel bad doing so, but this game doesn't really make me feel that way.

    I have some small issues with it, the two major being, First updates are too far apart for my taste lol. Second being you earn too little money, I don't mean that you should get rich quick but the 100 dollar per job is a bit limiting,
    Specially when training costs 50 each time and feeding people in a cell.
    I really hope they add an upgraded job at some point.

    I do wish there was a trans person in it but that's a personal thing,
    and I wouldn't hold that against the game.

    As the game is in my eyes its as close to perfect as it can be.
    It sets up it up letting you know, there are different outcomes.
    That even though there is a bit of a grind to it, the story will be what always stands out.

    The characters for the most part seem to be well thought out and not overly cliche. I actually liked the ironic nature of one scene in the recent update.

    This is for sure a try out at the least.
    I love it and am ready for more.
    There is no reason to pass this by, its a gem of a game for sure.

    I hope they stay the course its on.
    Having it stay harem but not lose touch of characters like so many games, that drop focus on people because "harem"
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Game's great, with a huge amount of content. My only gripe with it is that the MC is pretty linear, even as an "antihero" he doesn't do a lot of evil deeds. Hopefully this changes in further updates when we go deeper into the "evil" branch.


    - huge content and consistent plot
    - no NTR
    - heroines have varying personalities, fitting into your classic stereotypes (i.e., tsundere, etc)
    - branching plots and impactful choices
    - fun skill development


    - lack of actual evil path as of ver. 0.3
    - not sure what antihero choices do
    - lack of real "evil" choices
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Don't let 4 starts confuse you, it is one of best game I ever played.

    What this VN does so well is pacing and how each event is fun that keeps you engaged and there is absolutely no filler which in insane because there is a lot of events . H scenes are all very erotic and you just can't get enough of it all the while all the girls are almost equal in quality.

    Stories are good enough and ties everything nicely and choices do matter not in traditional senses that it will cause radically different routes since this is primarily harem game but will give it personalized flavor, at least at moment of writing this review(0.3.0).

    Another thing I like about developer is the ambition for his games just the moment you think you meet all the girls and gameplay loop is set he adds another layer with potential to add so much more content and that just make you excited.

    Now the reasons for 4 starts and I give it 4 with affection because it can be so much more.

    First of all game is in dire need of health update, there are lots of scene that need to brought up quality and or need animation. Music and sounds are like place holders instead of something fitting for this game it really add to experience as it should and lastly there are bugs or mismanaging of choices, like you would have same thing said twice or in general buggy transition of those choices, it is not big of deal but seems like easy fix.

    Another thing is really didn't like how characters that don't like MC just flip the switch to like and have scenes when they realize that they do when.
    Good example of this is Amanda she doesn't like MC for long time and then after just one event goes into full in love mode but we have example of similar character Leisha which is done way better and flows more naturally.
    I do think it is important for game to have girls like this as contrast and variety but to turn them into love struck girls instantly removes that uniqueness about them, also when they finally for MC it should be special moments. This probably cannot be changed but it is worth of note and I hope dev takes a note of it for future.

    I love the action scenes and how RPG elements flow into them. My only gripe with after school side game is how at first it is too easy then it just gets sudden spike in how hard the fights are. Hard fight early on is easy then it gets spiked, it would have been better to have more "zones" to fight in instead of having only "easy" "medium" and "Hard" so instead of hard getting spiked because we get too strong we get new area so we can manage crisis meter better.

    That is all I have, I can't understand how this game is not more popular it, its dev deserves every praise and I hope he continues to give more of this, and can't wait for next update.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a quality game, kind of a visual novel based on actions and a very-well made fighting system which makes the game even more enjoyable. Girls are all fantastic and the developpment of the story never ceases to amaze me. Highly recommended!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm absolutely in love with this game the quality on this game is on another level and I absolutely love that character development after awakening his genex
    I hope you like my review and I can't wait for the next version cause this is by far my favourite game
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5144788

    Content: Good amount
    Pacing: Steady
    Plot line: Academy - Hero/Human/Villain/Monster Society - Monsters killed/tortured - Heros mostly with hidden identities

    Character Models:
    Excellent - smooth - stands out from other games
    Personalities: well pronounced, some have surprising ones

    Music: Good - Action or Calm
    Animation: Main Charm of the Game - Excellent - stands out from other games

    Notes: Unique Mix of Sandbox and Virtual Novel play style nicely done.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Cephalon Solar

    really good and "relaxing" game i get to play a arcade fighting aim and watch the mc get laid very fun and 10/10 would recommend to the horny humans oh one tip if you got a annoying enemy charge your attack 5-7 times should wipe em of the face of the earth and max out your evade then attack maxed out evade rarely allows em to hit you
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The art style really intrigued me..that and liking I could define Kate's relation to the MC. Have to say I'm not really into Superheroes games but this turned out to be a really good story so far and kept me playing a few hours getting to Day 11.. It was easy for me to imagine the different characters voices as I read their responses. Not many sex scenes yet but the two I saw were well animated,the first one was great.There are some very nice erotic scenes and pics to keep you interested. You're given lots of choices in the beginning to tailor the game to your liking. .The fight scenes were a little tricky but you can get the hang of it. Overall great anime style art and good story writing have me looking forward to the next update
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Mostly decent and recommended.

    + Story is pretty good
    + Girl characters are cute and varied, even if standard
    + Good amount of content (as-of 0.2.52)

    - MC is a gigantic pussy
    - Fighting is a waste of time
    - Sandbox is pointless
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Genex love is a mixture of both Reboot love 1's Visual Semi Dating sim with ideas of RPG, and Reboot love 2's Sandbox choices that enhances stories for each girl and with addition of new mechanics. But this shows a lot of promise, variation in scenes and much more in the future.

    You play as Marco (Default Name) with no powers or anything to defend himself, one day sees a fight between a genex girl and a hingetus and saves the genex girl and have sex with her (for reasons) and gotten her genex powers. Marcos decided to either become a superhero/vigilante/villain with these power and live a regular school slice of life anime.

    The game runs in Ren'py and is in the Koikatsu engine. That means there are choice based games that changes the story for the better and for the worse. The do have impact if they can result in having a harem, sexual relations with girls, and being R@ped by female enemies. It has a fighting RPG, Taking care of a pet girls, give hints and options of what you want and don't want (Result in not asking for a walkthrough)

    The Hentai Ranges from many variations, Vanilla Sex, Femdom ;) , Maledom, Rape, Sharing (Not NTR, I think), Voyeurism, Milf, Taming, exhibitionism, and a little of furry added in. Everyone is going to have their favorites. Mine is Amanda and Lisha (I'm a sucker for ponytail hair girls).

    I'm playing (bought) the new version (0.2.52) There is not much to say with the issues since this is still commom with early developed games, there are little rollback errors here and there, Hearts needed to get the hentai scenes you missed/skipped and barely any or no hentai events for nearly 80%-90% of the girls here, And No other way to stay in sandbox mode or explore the other mechanics until you Reboot back to the beginning.

    Overall, a great callback to Reboot Love 1 but with superhero powers and little of sandbox and combat of Reboot love 2. Hope Rebootlove (Game Creator) put the love and dedication on this game as he does for Reboot 1 and 2.

    To Rebootlove: And Please, DON'T make a 3rd game in development when Genex love and Reboot Love 2 are still being worked on. Thanks.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool story, great character designs!
    Every girls seems interesting!
    Even the best friend dude is fun and I personnaly love the fact we can share with him sometimes!
    Love that we seems to makes ACTUAL choices within the story,..
    Cant wait for further updates!
  15. 5.00 star(s)



    Really promising game so far.

    - The characters each get a decent amount of attention considering the amount of current content .
    - The dev doesn't force the content for any character if you want to skip them (thank you seriously, I hate forced content).
    - Lots of customization for what fetishes you want.
    - Overall world building is pretty interesting although not particularly original. Original isn't always good though, so that's not even a complaint. The dev took an existing theme and applied it well to their game's world.
    - Not a clear goal for the plot, but works well enough in an episodic fashion with mini arcs and the mc just aiming to be a hero.

    I don't have any particularly notable complaints about the game. There's definitely room for improvement in regards to language usage, but nothing that I couldn't understand. Also, the dev's not a native English speaker, so I'm sure it'll improve with practice and with the help of the proofreading section on their discord channel. Other than that...

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  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I really loved this. I am a fan of the superpower genre, and school setting. Which this was both of.

    I really enjoyed the plot, writing, characters, art, and world.

    I disliked the map as it felt out of place.

    I disliked the lack of change from hero and villain.
    I played both and all that is different is a few dialogue lines. I hope that gets reworked or leads somewhere in the future.

    All in all, I look forward to seeing where this goes.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, story is good as is the writing and the dialogue. art is funny and derpy. characters are all different and this makes them easier to remember. Many will be put off by the art style but i hope if you read this you give this a go. it is not very long currently but i suspect that is this game gets support, it will be very very good!
    Mc doesnt really have a personality so you can self insert easily.
    Good job dev!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This has been one of the most promising initial releases I've seen in a while (probably bc the creator has already made a game before).

    Story-wise, it's a MHA type, but so far is doing enough towards its own identity that I wouldn't call it a clone.

    Gameplay-wise, it has barebones turn-based RPG style combat, which needs some fleshing out but it's pretty okay for release 1.

    Since the creator already has an active Patreon game, I kinda wish he would've released this game elsewhere. That way it wouldn't have as many strict rules on the content allowed, and we could possibly see some edgier stuff.

    So as of this review, I definitely say this game is worth trying out, though it is kinda short as of 0.07.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the game so far. The skill system and story are good. I'm glad they weren't over done. I have no major complaints (some terminology/words weren't used right but I could still get the point without problems) other than the lack of content, but I am sure that will be remedied in future updates.

    My only concern and my suggestion:
    I see this game is going to have sandbox elements. Try to find a good balance so you don't ruin a good game with overuse of sandbox events. My only concern is the sandbox trap that many games become. Many games use repeat events to create "play time" but nothing of any real consequence happens. This makes a game redundant and boring. Be careful not to do that and i think your game will have a bright future. The right amount of sandbox elements makes a game feel like you are accomplishing something. So just try to find a good balance.

    Keep up the good work and I am looking forward to future updates.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    For a Demo, it looks really good so far. Models are done really well and only a few proofreading errors. I like the fact that the Dev mentions that certain genres that are not to everyone's tastes should be able to be toggled on/off and that the sandbox will have an in-game hint/walkthrough system implemented.

    Looking forward to more from this Dev.