Ren'Py - Genex Love [v0.9.96] [Reboot Love]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A 10/10 game recommendation to those who want a great story to enjoy that resembles something straight out of a isekai manga.

    Gameplay : Not all choices matter and there are 3 main branches of choices. However, the game will tell you when these important choices will matter so there isn't too much to worry about.

    Story : 3 different paths, the story seems to be almost completely similar, but minor dialogue changes here and there. I would say that if you enjoy having harems, and a hero who could turn into a true hero or anti villain, this is a perfect game for you. Like I said again, has a great resemblance to many isekai mangas out there.

    Visuals : Very good visuals considering it is a Ren'Py game with 3D models. As you can see from the cover of the page, it is a game leaning towards anime styled models.

    Scenes : Scenes are better than the normal anime typped visual quality. There are only are there sound effects, but no voice overs or anything like that. The scenes feel artificial but does it job.

    Customer Support : N/A

    Overall, a great game to try that could easily last you days worth of content, that isn't boring.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall very above average game. Could ask for better but don't really need to. Good graphics, H-Scenes and Characters. Story kind of sucks.

    Opening the game you get a lot of choices for what kind of content you do and do not want to see in the game, which combined with the dev notes saying you can cut off women you don't like gave me a lot of hope.

    Unfortunately the first sex scene is forced even if you turn off the "forced sex with MC" option in the beginning. I was hoping for a virgin run or a unique event where the MC has his first time with a girl of the players choice.

    More in depth review:

    Story - 2/5

    It kind of sucks. Ultra uber generic hero vs monsters and villains story.
    The girls have been made to be damsels in distress several times, with the idea culminating the final event of part 1, which is the worst part of the current story by far (super cringe). Side note, killing the monster girls or even just normal monsters is for some reason considered evil/unheroic even if they would have happily raped and killed women or otherwise caused harm if left to their own devices.

    Characters - 5/5

    Main point: The girls are all really well written 5/5s in my opinion. It sucks the author flopped on the story because the characters themselves have a lot of potential. Top 3 for me are: 1. Lisha 2. Kate 3. Hanah

    The guys (kind of irrelevant):
    The MC's friend Erick is a very well written good guy. I feel kind of bad for him though, hope his relationship with Kate can go well.

    The MC's little brother is a total socially awkward rapist creep. IDK whats wrong with him or how he pulled his babe gf.

    Adam is a pitiful guy. I guess the author thought it was necessary to add a standard small dick insecure arrogant bully character. (Unless I missed something, we are forced to see that his dick is small while the girls laugh at him.)

    Graphics - 4/5

    The developer puts out some amazing scenes with great posing, camera angles and animations, but his lighting is probably the worst I have ever seen. Just look at the right side of this games banner. Those 9000+ power level sun shafts are present in a lot of renders, sometimes to the point where you can barely see the characters themselves. I don't know what makes the dev think they are a good idea.

    H-Content - 4/5

    There isn't a whole lot of H-content in part 1 and it takes a while to reach, but the scenes that are in the game are super hot contextually and of high quality. The dev also added this "Click to take her virginity..." screen which is kind of cringe, but is also the hottest way I can think of implementing such scenes. I feel really terrible for Hanah though. Why did they dev make her most recent event take place in a restaurants public bathroom??? Horrible fortune...

    Gameplay - ?/5

    I didn't bother with the combat. You can find and boost your stats using save editor and turn on auto combat so you don't have to deal with it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! This has a LOT of content. Story is corny as all hentai is - but fun and enjoyable nonetheless. While I don't love 3d modelling they did them well and the animations with literally every H-scene really adds a lot. Did I mention this game is HUGE - massive massive content.

    All around a well deserved 5 star.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    [ver. 0.9.96 Part 1 review]

    I'm sort of torn on this game. As a porn game, it's pretty good. The slow pacing kinda works in it's favor, since I like the slow build up for each girl. Almost all of the characters have a varying degrees of tattooing on their body, which I never knew was a fetish of mine until playing this game. As a superhero story its rather decent, I've seen much worse but I wouldn't call it amazing. I see a lot of people complaining that the main character has no idea what he's doing, but I think this is a positive for the story. He doesn't have any idea what he's supposed to be doing because how is anyone supposed to know? The game also lets me horribly maim clearly irredeemable people/villains and it's rather cathartic as most superhero games don't have the balls to let the player even try.

    The main issue I have with the game is that the story is written pretty clumsily. Through a chain of conveniences everything always sort of resolves itself. Whenever anyone needs saving, the MC is always there and always swoops in to save the day, for every girl, sometimes multiple times. Very clearly evil and oppressive villains commit crimes multiple times and just walk away or show up later unimpeded. Like, someone illegally uses their superpowers to attempts to commit sexual assault and, what, we just wag our fingers at them and call them naughty before grounding them? Why is he and all of his rapist goons back on the streets again after, like, 2 days?

    If you wanted an anime/Boku Hero style porn game, here it is, as long as you can forgive lazy, heavily pandering writing. Just don't expect any type of conclusion to anything in part 1 since it kind of just ends arbitrarily. Hell, most of the characters from the very beginning of the game don't even have sex scenes yet. I was pretty annoyed at the end, and it wasn't helped by the developer taunting me with the final text propts. Had to sleep it off so I could have a clearer head for a fair review.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I had written a long review, but it is not saved, I was too lazy to write it again. So I'll simply say the following:
    - Story with potential -> poor execution
    - Several Waifus -> Of the main ones there are 3 that in personality and 1 in design are disgusting (That is to say, they don't make an effort)
    -The MC seems too stupid/mediocre/correct to me and his goal feels like he overacts it
    - It has a lot of dialogue, which is good if you are looking for a story that has +18 additions, but I feel that the author is not executing it well.

    In particular I do not recommend this game, if you are looking for a complex story with those +18 additions, this is not your game. If you are looking for something generic and with little plot development you can play it, at least you will like it to a certain extent.

    This is my opinion after playing it up to version: v0.9.96. This does not mean that my opinion is worth more or less than that of others, it is simply my point of view after playing this game. On the other hand, I emphasize that even if they release updates, I doubt I will play it again and the character I hate the most, who has the worst personality, but not because she is bad, but because it seems that they put the minimum effort into creating her is the one who works in the cat cafe, I had never hated a character like that in my life.

    Summary (SCORE: 6)
    o Character Design/Visual: 7/10
    o Background music/sound: 9/10
    o Plot: 4/10
    o Animation: 7/10
    o +18 Scenes: 7/10
    o Gameplay: 6/10
    o Interface: 8/10
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't leave reviews often - but damn did I enjoy this one enough to leave one. That's also my excuse for this review probably being all over the place and not formatted well.

    So first off - the theme is pretty generic and if you dissect it with too much logic it's dumb. Guy gets powers by fucking girls - sometimes. If this game tried to take itself too seriously it probably wouldn't work. But it does work.

    Having said that, it takes itself just seriously enough to lay the foundation for a pretty damn good story that has some humor a dash of drama and some great build up. It kept me intrigued and wanting to know where it was going and what was going to happen next.

    This isn't a quick fap game but once you get to them the scenes are pretty good.

    I have only done one playthrough (just finished part 1) so I don't know how much room for decisions and altering the plot there really is but even if its minimal the game does a great job of making it feel like your choices have an impact.

    Now for some negatives:

    The "open world" aspect or whatever you want to call it feels... weak. Very weak in comparison to other aspects of the game. It kind of feels like it's just there to be there and doesn't offer anything unique that could have been done in a better way.

    As much as the story kept me intrigued - there are some issues with the writing itself. Not terrible by any means but it's pretty mid-level with some minor spelling and grammar issues here and there.

    Because of the nature of the story and pathing it did feel like I was potentially missing stuff in my playthrough - and I dont mean good vs bad choices. More so that there isnt enough time late game to do and finish everything. Or maybe it's better put: I dont know what or if I missed things.

    Also for some context: I def cheated in this game. Boosting stats and money with save editor for the sole purpose that training and working felt like a waste of time which could be put to better use elsewhere. I can see why the dev did the way they did - makes the game feel more interactable I guess? But I just dont like it.

    Final thoughts: Bro play this shit. It's good. 4/5

    PS - hurry up and release part 2. You got a new fan.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't like VN games. But this one DAMN, it's on of the best hentai games out there. The story, animations, content are on top, I hope to see even more content added to the game, since I'm already done with the story.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a fairly standard massive cast anime harem game. I enjoyed it though, despite the fairly pointless sandbox that pretty much only exists to pad out game time.


    1. The morality system is fun. I am glad we actually get the chance to be violent. I played as anti-hero for the most part, but I appreciate that I can be the Punisher but not get locked into the path if I want to try some other choices as well.
    2. I like the majority of the LI's. There is a massive cast, but there is plenty to like. There are some issues that I have tho, which I will elaborate on later.
    3. Not having to get every single choice correct to pursue an LI is great. You are allowed to miss some relationship points every now and then. This is something that every dev that makes this style of game needs to adopt.
    4. The plot is stupid, but in a fun way. I enjoyed it despite the fact that it is undeniably dumb as hell. I imagine I wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much if it took itself more seriously.

    1. The prison is terrible. I absolutely hate this part of the game, and if there was 1 thing I could change it would be this. It adds a ton of bloat to the game, but most importantly WINTER gets relegated from being a fun villain/potential LI to a couple of shitty renders in a convoluted and bizarre "training" system. If you like the designs of any of these characters, it sucks because their content is WAY WORSE than everyone else in the game. I could still forgive it and ignore it if the dev didn't stuff Winter in there however. You go from having conversations with this obviously intelligent being, to having her act like a literal animal. Its fucking terrible.
    2. I like a decent amount of the LI's, but having almost ALL of the main ones be fellow students and pretty much NO superheros is a strange decision. I want more Red Moon and Whisper and characters like that. We do get lynx eventually I suppose.
    3. The henchmen look like blackface caricatures, which is fucking bizarre. I don't know if this was purposeful on the devs part, but man it's weird and will def put people off.

    Overall, I did enjoy the game. It would definitely get a higher rating from me without this fucking prison system. Hell, if the dev at the very least reworked the prison system/took poor Winter out I would probably update this review.

    Definitely a 4-star game with a lot of potential, if it wasn't for the prison system (and the weird blackface henchmen lol).
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Even though game/Dev promiss no forced sex scene there is one at the very start which is needed to trigger the plot, but know that there arent any other forced sex scenes going forward.
    But since game must have changed at one point it wasent really needed since it could have been done with a kiss or something else, just like when you say no to the wind power girl.

    There are two small issues though since i belive more girls was ment to be forced on you so when you turn them down story breaks a bit, ive noticed atleast 2 places where story dosent match up.

    First is in chapter 2 when MC talks about being with girls he claims to have fucked 2 but in my playthrough i only fucked one, so when i said no to one girl game acts like it still happened which is a bit annoying.

    Second is very late in game where MC talks how hes skill works and how he has to cum twice and at the same time as the girl to steal their power, this is worng since you gain wind power even when saying no to fucking the girl in chapter 1, but game totaly ignore that fact.

    I think its due to the girl in chapter 1 was ment to be forced on you but got changed to remove forced LIs, atleast that would make sense as to why its gotten a bit messed up.

    Dev says game is supposed to follow the choices you make and that it wont be just a skip scene, so the things above needs to be fixed since not fucking the girl in chapter 1 is only a skip scene right now.

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    I cant say i am a fan of the MC either since MC is a bit to cringy when he constantly thinks about girls and tits, it feels like the mindset of a 12 year old and it gets annoying reading hes thoughts about girls you as the player has 0 interrest in but MC wants to fuck, like after getting trown by a girl MC thinks "Being forced with her legs and her pussy Felt amazing" who the fuck would think like that....and yes this is a constant thing doing the hole game, MC never grows up or find a brain.
    I mean leave out those toughts and let the one who plays the game have their own thoughts about whos hot or not instend, it would make for a better game that way.

    For the virgin fans, you will proberly love this one since it does everything right, theres deflowering with blood, girl has pain and so on, its just very rare to see games doing it 100% right, but this one did manage that.

    Girls 4/5
    There is a bit for everyone, from young to milfs, small tits to huge tits, so it has a somewhat ok diversity in builds but main focus does seem to be on the bigger tits, proberly 80% big 10% huge 10% small i would have liked a bit better mix then that.

    Animations 5/5
    There arent that many but those that are there are really some of, if not the best ive seen for this character style.

    Music 4/5
    Its pretty decent background stuff that changes depending on what you do and it has some ok effects as well for things like fighting and sex scenes.

    Choices 5/5
    You can freely choose who to fuck or not to fuck, you can still be nice and go a long way with girls to see their story and then say no to sex when it gets there.

    Sandbox 4/5
    It dosent really feel like a sandbox, you got a single map where you can click to train skills, fight, tame and so on, its not really a grind either since you just do the 2 things a day you want to do, money isent that tuff either so its a pretty nice sandbox, the only thing i dident like is that you really dont have enough time to play around with the prison/taming but hope that will improve at some point.

    Content 4/5
    Its about 2 years old now and there isent that much adult content yet, you can see that if you click character list each girl has from 4 to 6 slots in gallery for most and all of those arent really adult stuff but something like seeing a pair of tits, or getting a kiss, so really not much meat on the bone when it comes to adult stuff, it does have some sex scenes and for the main girls there are still quite alot that has no sex scene other then kiss/grind stuff.

    Its very close to being a 5 star game, it still has some flaws in story that needs fixing and it is a slow burn for alot of LIs but i still really enjoyed playing this one, the only thing really missing is pregnancy and it would be a complete game with all you could wish for.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, I loved it, I started playing and reading on 01/18/2024 and I finished part 1 two days later, the story at the beginning starts something "meh" but the more you read, the more and more it improves, the animations I liked them, I like that the "sex" part was not so fast, I liked the way they took everything little by little, many times it made me laugh and many ploptwist surprised me quite a bit
    All the girls are great, the secondary characters, the "heroes" and "villains" have their personal touch, I can't wait to play part 2
    tremendous gem, really
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    + It's a pretty decent harem(?) title.
    + There's a lot of content. (I didn't end up finishing the current iteration)
    + The slow build-up isn't actually that slow.
    + Some characters have genuinely fun progression.
    + Writing, while not very deep, is certainly considerable.
    + Character trope/physique selection is decent
    + The story is somewhat okay.
    + Pretty good mood music.
    + While few, the path choices do seem pretty varied.

    - About that writing. Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle. Nearly all of the story is garbled, the plot has no thought put into sequencing or pacing. Characters are mostly the same and even have almost the same rate of progression, starting at different times. The exceptions are the more interesting ones.
    - Character tropes, while varied, do little to expand from their pre-existing standards and have little impact into giving depth.
    - Visually, the characters do look somewhat different, but everything from how they're posed to how they behave is a bit too similar in many cases.
    - The actual sex scenes are mostly not that hot, barring some exceptions.
    - Every single joke, event and sequence is predictable and generic to anyone who has watched/played enough bog-standard harem titles.


    It's a decent game if generic harem MC is your thing.
    Among the generic harem MC games, this is about as polished as it gets.
    I can applaud that the writing isn't trying (or able) to take itself too seriously so the MC at least feels somewhat relatable on occasion.
    I would give it a slightly higher rating, say a 3.9, but I do think it's more 3 than 4, if 4 is the idea that you would get a fresh experience.
    I do appreciate that the game tries to accommodate a large variety of tastes, but it lacks anything to give it a kick.
    It's nothing new, but it's a decent bit of nothing new.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this website imo.
    Especially because of the actually impactfull choices, and the ability to truly shape your character in the way you like. Like being dominant? This game's got your back. Like the opposite? It's got you covered there as well.
    But instead of most games, where the MC remains basically the same guy, this game let's you shape the MC to be the guy you want him to be.
    The dev kinda screwed the pooch on the reboot love games imo, but genex love is the absolute best.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Never did I expect to actually get hooked into an adult game like this. Started the journey just looking to "pass some time" but a week later I found myself playing it just because I found it to be fun.

    I always appreciate a leveling system, and this game has not only level-ups that come with different powerups, but also training to improve specific aspects of your character, and I really quite like that. The combat is simple enough to get by without being real strenuous, but detailed enough to make it enjoyable and get a real sense of satisfaction after beating a particularly difficult fight.

    The dating sim aspect of the game I think is quite well done. Character personalities are well-done and the dialogue choices aren't simply black and white/right or wrong. More often than not, all the choices are viable depending on what moral route you take. Which, speaking of moral route, is a concept that is introduced in this game as an actual gameplay element. Admittedly, I haven't seen its effects a whole lot, but I haven't experienced with it a lot either. One more thing I really liked about the sim aspect of the game is the option to let the game inform you about decisions. If you use this option the game will tell you how your choice effects the gameplay, whether the girl likes or dislikes your option and how it effects your moral route. Also, the characters are well-designed. There is a lot of variety in design, and the models/animations are well done. Plus, there is audio to match the H-scenes, something I've found many games to lack entirely.

    One last note to add, I have talked to the developer, and he is very receptive and responsive to things like criticism or addressing a bug you may find. That responsiveness is a great sign of the health of the game. Overall, great game, not just for to "pass some time", but to actually enjoy as a game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)



    Great game, I am really loving the story, all the LI's even the Chaotic villain ones. The story in my opinion is one of the high points, its not complex yet intriguing. I really love all the LI's introduced till now.

    I really love each of the individual scenes with the LI's integrated in the mail story. Really waiting a lot for the future updates.

    I also like the morality aspect of the MC, and how it affects each and everything from dialogues to scenes.

    Great work Finisterrex.
    Eagerly waiting for Future updates.

    Overall a MASTA PIECE in the making.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    + music
    + game has funny moments
    + beautiful girls
    + femdom scenes are ok
    + story is not so bad

    - Jennika is the only interesting LI right now. Winter was promising at the beginning, but seems that's not going to happen anymore
    - mc can be a total hero, save people from death, protect them, but when it comes to girls and talk to them, he behave like total pussy.
    - relationship development almost no exist here, everything is mainly focused on meaningless fights scenes, girls looks like "addon" and nothing more
    - there is no real connection between mc and girls, no feelings, no romance, slow burn is really not so good
    - cocblocking
    - girls appear outta nowhere, it looks like you have scene with x girl and after a long time you have another scene with her, just to remind you she still exist in the game, it feels unnatural
    - mc is not an assertive type, so most of the time girls must take the initiative
    - Kate is really dissapointing, i thought we get a nice love story, but we barely see her in the game, at some point i forgot she still exist
    - Lisha story is a mess, there is no logic here

    I don't recommend to play as a "regular guy" he is more pussy if this option is on
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm absolutely in love with this game the quality on this game is on another level and I absolutely love that character development after awakening his genex
    I hope you like my review and I can't wait for the next version cause this is by far my favourite game ever played
    And thank and I appreciate your hard work
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, I avoided this because of Koikatsu graphic style for quite a while, but eventually decided to give it a chance. I was pleasantly surprised and can happily say this is by far the best use of this art choice I've seen so far.

    The story is above average by this sites standards - not the best I've read, but good enough that I was disappointed when I got to the end of the current version (0.35b).

    The sandbox side isn't bad in my books. It offers some variety to the game and if it isn't your thing, you can skip the non-story fights entirely. Speaking of combat, personally I had very easy time with it by focusing on attack and defense, putting maybe 3-6 training sessions combined to energy and health.

    The girls in the story are nicely varied and interesting and so far seem to have much more depth than average game on this site... Well, most of them. The tsundere I feel is a cliche that really needs to die though. The MC constantly being called perv by her I guess plays to the the stupid cliche, but is much more annoying than endearing to me at least. Her events at least are decent otherwise.

    Now for mild criticism:

    1. There are some characters that the MC can choose to fuck or not... But there is no/irrelevant cost in doing so and doing it awards a power boost.
    2. So far I've noted that there are several sex scenes that Hero route skips. I don't mind different routes resulting in different scenes, but so far (only having done dedicated Hero route) it seems going Vigilante or Anti-hero just results in more scenes.
    3. Somewhat in conflict with the above, most Vigilante and Anti-hero options I've seen so far are just the same scene that start with more aggressive tone from the MC. For example in certain scene you can choose to demand a blowjob from the girl or you can let her start blowing you of her own will. The end result is the exact same blowjob scene.
    4. Magic dick syndrome. It's much better handled in this story than in others I guess, but it's by far the most eyeroll-inducing trope on this site. It wasn't enough that the guy's musk is apparently aphrodisiac, but his dick and fluids just had to be a super-version of it. Sigh.
    5. The mini-villain (you'll know who the second he's introduced) was doing a decent job actually being intentionally annoying scumbag that would make him the perfect punching bag for the darker paths in the story... Until the scene where he is humiliated. The way he is humiliated is equally eye-roll inducing and overused as the point above.

    All in all I'm happy that I looked past the koikatsu aesthetic and gave this game a chance. It's much, much better than I expected and very welcome addition to the superhero theme that is extremely lacking in quality games on this site... Especially since it, you know, actually lets you play the role of the superhero rather than just being porn game with some superhero cosplay.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is just perfection.
    Every single character has unique traits, and an incredible development throughout. There are lots of surprises, and the fighting mode is even fun!
    There are lots of options and paths you can take, which makes it worth every minute of your time.
    I was completely engaged to this game, and now I just need to find more like this. You can't go wrong with this one!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    İts a good game , really is. Girls are great and have proper personalities . CGI looking good. You got a lot of choices for girls and you can be hero, vigilante , anti hero . These choices are actually matter and change few things.

    What is not matter is rpg system , neither the fights. What you do in normal fights or VN fights pretty much doesnt change anything and same plot is forced on you. İt doesnt matter how much energy or health you have after the fight, mc will just say he is badly injured or dont have any energy left. When I realised this , I just activated easy mode and disabled fights . They only prolong the game . As a rpg fanatic this is disappointed me a lot actually. But I suppose no game can be perfect and tastes differ.

    Also mc is dumb .... I mean I didnt see a single mc who isnt dumb in this type of games so I kinda expected that :D . Anyway if you dont mind the pointless rpg mechanics this is actually one of the best games out there . Im still at chapter 3 right now and things might change or changed already after that but we will see I suppose .

    Thank you for the game . Good luck.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game, simple but very good, the paths make me feel that I'm an RPG like fallout, I like when you can be cruel or good as you want and make sense, great work, hope you keep going with the project!