RPGM Abandoned Morningstar [v1.7] [Casey Kane]

4.80 star(s) 6 Votes


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2019
Quality looks good! Like really solid! I like the look of the girl and that she is the mc.

What I don’t like is that devour fetish. I am not against plenty fetishes but this was is a heavy cockblocker for me and I hoe I can avoid it AND I hope there are many other fetishes cause I couldn’t see many more in the preview pics :/

(There is an artist who draws insanely good girl from Harry Potter etc and is called NinjaArtist the big bummer is he also has this devour fetish which ruins about 99% of his objectively great drawn art for me... but maybe some like this stuff so here you go..)


Game Developer
Jun 4, 2020
Hi Pogo123,

Thank you for your kind initial assessment on the look of the game and the mc, and I agree that NinjArt1st's work is insanely good. If you like his style, but not so much the content, then DemonLordDante's work on deviantart is also exceptional, and is much less coloured by the devourment theme.

As for this game, I'm afraid the devourment fetish (or "Vore") community is its primary target audience. So while I will be including other fetish material from time to time, there is going to be an awful lot of devouring going on.

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Feb 12, 2018
everything is nice but these sex animations and dialogues that can not be scrolled a little suck
this game is fucked up after each animation is the end of the game
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Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2019
Hi Pogo123,

Thank you for your kind initial assessment on the look of the game and the mc, and I agree that NinjArt1st's work is insanely good. If you like his style, but not so much the content, then DemonLordDante's work on deviantart is also exceptional, and is much less coloured by the devourment theme.

As for this game, I'm afraid the devourment fetish (or "Vore") community is its primary target audience. So while I will be including other fetish material from time to time, there is going to be an awful lot of devouring going on.

thx for the response and recommendation, Casey :)

and no problem I really tried as hard as possible to be objective and kind. xD

it really is very sad this is the main fetish and primary focus but at least you are honest.

which you good luck with your game and don’t get eaten in real life ;) for me personally I will wait a few years till you decide doing some other game with a similar girl as mc but with more.. ordinary fucking ^^
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Jun 15, 2017
Got to agree with what HTYYHRK said about the text; building pauses into the text, presumably in some kind of attempt to set the pacing, is just incredibly annoying. And as others have indicated, even those of us who are into this sort of thing are usually not into every form or aspect of it; while I presume that this initial demo-like offering was intended to show off a variety, I hope as the game gets developed there will be more choice as to what happens and so more ability to avoid undesired variants. But the art is good, and obviously there aren't a lot of games like this so it's nice to see somebody exploring this underserved niche.

Oh, and getting through the forest was a little frustrating (I see from the thread somebody didn't figure out how to do it). Having there be barely any visible difference between terrain you can walk through and obstacles is another thing the game might be better off avoiding in the future.


Jul 31, 2017
I like seeing the vore affect the women's body type and help development which could also serve as an incentive because you are getting a lot out of it (power and looks) who wouldn't want to be the tallest hottest baddest woman around? 01wg110.png
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New Member
Jul 2, 2020
So after trying the game I have to echo the request for some form of gallery feature that allows you to rewatch or replay certain sections of the game. Also could you please make the quick save button a little more visable? This is a game where you want to lose (frequently) and to continue the game relies on reloading a save file. Perhaps you could add a system where when the game ends you can restart at the last decision fork?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2018
can you had something for all the cgs? like in the menu every cg and scene seen goes in a gallery.
making a replay room or a gallery is complicated , I talked about it to the dev and it's not a main priority right now
but if you really want the pics you can have them here :
Morning Star -> www -> img -> pictures


Jul 10, 2020
what about unlocking the gallery and having everything in it after the game is beaten and completed? this way the people who beat the game can see any scene they want, so it can still be done way way later on.
making a replay room or a gallery is complicated , I talked about it to the dev and it's not a main priority right now
but if you really want the pics you can have them here :
Morning Star -> www -> img -> pictures


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2018
what about unlocking the gallery and having everything in it after the game is beaten and completed? this way the people who beat the game can see any scene they want, so it can still be done way way later on.
this is what he plan to do , but not now
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Reactions: Warrior2853
4.80 star(s) 6 Votes