VN - Ren'Py - Fall of the Angels [v0.0.2] [13th Sin Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly the new update looks terrible. Should've just continued the old game. Biggest issue with the old game though is that it forces you to be with characters that are unbearable and unlikable. Plus the sex scenes seem super rushed with very little lead up to them. Ending of the old game make absolutely no sense and literally made me hate the game with the flipping of the story and not giving any choices that matter. Combining that with the stupid cliff hanger ending after making you watch 45 minutes of stupid credits, don't play this game, just a massive disappointment.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing 0.0.2 after the reboot. This is the first game on this platform where I'm actually in favor of the dev redoing things from the start, the writing is much, much better this time around, which combined with the already quality models makes me think this game has actual potential to be a very good one, with a few more updates. I'm giving four stars for now, since it's hard to fully judge exactly what things will end up like from the currently limited prologues.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I kept playing in the hope that the level of story would rise to match the characters but it wasn't to be. This game is over 3 hours of nicely drawn characters talking to each other (longer if you can stand to read it all). Sorry Jade your fanfiction isn't very good. I won't criticize the ending since it's unfinished but I don't think a good one would make it worth playing. Random Unknown Female best girl.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Review For Fall of the Angels (v0.3.4)
    This game's story is interesting enough to keep me going, but everything else about it is just terrible. The way all the girls instantly fall in love with the main character is ridiculous, especially considering most of them don't even have a proper relationship with him but are willing to die for him.
    And don't even get me started on the dialogue - it's absolutely atrocious! The developer seems to have a weird obsession with cheesy phrases like (Giggles Softly) or (Gasps Softly), and the constant use of stutters in every sentence is just annoying. I get that they want to convey emotions, but there has to be a better way than this. The sex scenes are mediocre at best, and the only redeeming quality is the main story. I'm genuinely curious to see how the conflict between the main character and his brother unfolds, as well as Zenera's true motives and whether the king is truly evil. But apart from that, I strongly advise against wasting your time on this game. It's so frustrating to read the dialogue and put up with all the other nonsense that happens. I had to take a break for a couple of months because of how annoying it is.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This VN doesn't know what it wants to be. Porn with plot? Dating sim? JVN clone?

    I can't emphasize enough that when other reviews say "a bunch of women fall in love with MC at first sight," they mean that very literally. There's a scene right near the start where he walks into a mall and all the women (yes, literally everyone there) take turns falling in love with him at first sight before the perspective cuts back to whatever was actually supposed to be happening. It's difficult to overstate how on the nose it is.

    It's as if someone took all the generic JVN dating sim tropes and removed literally everything else. It's hard to even get invested in the story due to the constant interruptions and the conflicting tone.

    For example, at one point early on we meet a character who can read memories. She reads MC's mind and finds some stuff that he's forgotten and is important to the plot, which traumatizes her. The other characters ask, and shortly into her explanation she mentions she kissed the MC. Things instantly devolve into a tropey anime catfight over who should've gotten to kiss MC first, gravity suddenly forgotten—including by the traumatized woman in question. This is among a bunch of characters who have known MC for hours or less. Not to mention a second ago they were okay with polygamy, because that's just randomly shoehorned in there. After said catfight the scene just ends and everyone forgets that anything was happening. It's hard to even make this description coherent because the subject matter was so incoherent.

    I can't say if it gets better later, because I couldn't make it far in. If it does, then the early parts could really use a revamp. Based on some other reviews it doesn't seem like it does, though.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Despite the main story being really good and interesting, the other qualities bring the game down too much. Every girl practically falls for the MC just upon seeing him. The relationships are rushed instead of being completely fleshed out. I know it's not a sex game, but the lewd scenes just go by too quick. Really no point besides showing he had sex with them. The MC turns into an embarrassed wuss when the girls barely pick on him and giggles (something I got tired of from watching anime). Even when the girls were going to totally embarrass him by recording him doing something IF they had won the bet, his punishment for them was "be nice to your classmate". Adding on, he got a scar that doesn't even look cool or anything. Dev gave his brother a badass looking scar (basically Shanks' from One Piece), yet gave the MC one scratch along his cheek past his lip. Might as well not have given him the scar in the first place. Speaking of, it makes no sense why he didn't heal the scar either. He has such powerful healing that he can restart a dying heart to make it healthy, basically reviving a dying or dead person immediately so they can see him, but can't heal his scar? That's like plot induced stupidity.

    Like I said, the story is really good, but the other factors just bring it down for me. Maybe I'll check it out in the future to see if it gets better, but might not. Still wish the Dev best of luck with it.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Doom Marine

    The game is pretty cool, it has a cliché story of a dark story between two factions angels and demons, it seems silly but it's interesting that it holds you. the koitatsu models are cool too, i like this type of game, the scenery is excellent, not stupid VN games, and so on.

    But the game has several drawbacks and many of them are annoying.

    All women fall in love with MC at first sight for no reason. I think it must be some power of the MC after all, his father "King Maverick" was able to brainwash the people of Abyssal.

    The H-scenes are rushed and forced in your gut, in this game you don't have to work hard to receive the content, rather than being built for it. this is directly linked to the topic above, girls easily wet their panties when the MC speaks or appears on the scene.

    Like I said, some H scenes are extremely forced, which can't be helped. A great example; this is the scene from chapter 2, at the school when MC finishes confronting Rosalyn, and goes in search of Jade, to get more ideas about what is going on in Elysium. Anyway, he ends up meeting Aliza, "I think that's her name" a Broken Abyssal Girl, who has no friends, so the game forces you to try to help her, by asking her to follow you and help you find Jade. And then you end up in the book club, then there's the scene of the girls confronting Aliza and everything, once things settle down among the girls. Has what I thought was a ridiculous situation that could have been avoided. Like, the MC gladly helps someone with socialization issues, and the club president, Jade, wants compensation for the favor of allowing the girl in question to join the club. She even mentions, "Without MC, Aliza wouldn't even get into the club!" By the way, I even understand that Jade is angry with Aliza, but she simply and literally takes advantage of the MC's goodwill to help Aliza. Like, what if he didn't return Jade's "Booty Call" favor, Aliza wouldn't be allowed into the club. And what wins in the end is a completely forced H scene with this annoying and hypocritical Cat Girl, sorry! But truth be told, from that moment on I started to hate this character. After all, she ends up calling in the favor for helping Aliza. And even if you try to refuse Jade's advances "In the H-time", the scene still continues, the event, just punching down your throat. The MC is literally raped by this annoying Cat Girl, and you know what's the worst of that? You find out that after the event, it punched you in the stomach, and that she was in "play time" because she wasn't taking the pills to keep herself in control.

    So, in one of the scenes, you go to the school's medical area to talk to Elizabeth, then you find Sora and her mother Fuyumi, then again another wet girl in her panties talking to MC, and she tries to "Mindfuck you" by talking to you make it look like her cleavage, three options appear and they all lead you to look at her cleavage, there's no way to escape! later on, you'll have to deal with that perverted old fox "Sora's mom" in the school nurse's office with the idea of a "medical exam", which is actually a Booty Call... so, again, if you refuse her offer, you will see her true nature, a dangerous bitch who won't take a "no" for an answer or who won't take rejection.

    The MC's relationship with Jade starts to grow more and more annoying as you progress through the main story.
    when the MC goes to the big library looking for information about Elisyum. so, you meet Jade's mother, and she question if you are her daughter's boyfriend? Who you mated with and got her pregnant. If you played like me, you tried to turn down Jade advances on the club. then a question pops up on mind, when did I ever want to have a relationship with her, or mate with her?
    Did she just rape the MC and get pregnant in the process because she wasn't taking her meds, seriously! It's supposedly the mc you're going to have to assume paternity because it's an ANGEL?! WTF! I know that game has a pregnancy tag but couldn't I leave the choice to the player? Didn't even want to go her BRANCH, like cat girls is not my cup of tea.

    Now let's talk about the MC's race against Sora, which was actually a setup by "Autumn" she didn't know how to deal with her defeat at Karaoke so she decided to set the MC up! Now seriously, what the fuck was that? That cunning fox is fucking lightning, faster than light? and easily defeated the 500 year old Guardian Angel of Elisyum, without letting him compete?! Like she exploded on the run and knocked out the MC? Damn, could I have written a more honorable defeat? and another, nobody ever mentioned her skills, seriously! If the MC got pissed at Sora and Autumn, I wouldn't blame him, after all, the whole game shows the girls trying to take advantage of the MC. I'm not crying about the MC's loss but I thought it would be a fair race, not that she would teleport in entire race! and the punishment for that is the game forcing you to sleep with Sora an Fuyu without being entitled or postponing the event. I ended up skipping the whole event because I thought it was ridiculous and cringe event. and worst of all, it's the beach event on the MC's birthday, you find out that Fuyumi and Sora are pregnant. Again, I'm going to have to assume paternity because I'm an angel? and why the fuck does the MC get the girls pregnant in the first sex, and worse of that is that I didn't even want to follow the route of Sora or Fuyu, especially Fuyu, since I didn't go with the "face" of that perverted fox from the beginning. I want to have my H-scene like any other player here on the forum, but this way, it's the end of the sting!

    Just concluding here, the MC never has time to think about her problems alone, as every time he goes to do that there's a girl running after him, it's ridiculous and cringe. He is 500 years old but still acts like an 18 year old, he doesn't give off that knowledge or idea of being someone super old. The big event coming up is the night of the Blood Moon, and the MC trying to get back home and save his people. Zenera has warned MC about this since his second day on earth and instead of planning, preparing and/or thinking about it, but every time he does he is molested hundreds of times by girls, harassing him, trying to take him to the bed or jump on your dick!

    Anyway, that's it. this is my opinion of the game, 3 stars... is the highest rating I've given this game, so far and I hope that in the next chapters the H events will be less forced. I expect more the development of the MC's story and his personality with Zenera and etc, because until now, that's what keeps me hooked to the game.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Despite the good graphics the almost childlike story lets this down.

    It starts off very well with the invasion during Ascension and the subsequent fall to earth, but starts the steady decline in quality from there. I’m going to list some of my main issues below.

    • All the females fall in love with MC for no explained reason.
    • The H-scenes are rushed and feel like an afterthought rather than being built-up to it.
    • There’s next to no character development.For instance, despite being over 500 years old, the MC is portrayed to be a pubescent teen with no sense of maturity. This would be fine at the beginning especially because he’s never been to earth, but it never improves as you play along.
    • The “dark” path feels like another afterthought with the light path being the chosen vision despite the choices.
    • There’s no explanation for some of the decisions like Jynlea not telling MC what she saw the first time she kissed him on the beach; this was before she was spotted and had her memories erased. Note, there’s also a weird scene where all Lily and her mother fight over MC for no reason.
    • The “dense” MC trope is used to set up H-scenes and stretch the story out longer. For example
    • Finally, a lot of the story and minor conflict would be resolved if people just spoke to each other.
    Despite the good graphics and great concept for the story, the actual substance lets it down badly.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5144788

    Content: Quite a lot
    Pacing: Steady
    Plot line: Main Charm of the Game - MC is Angel and falls from Heaven with no way to return - War - Betrayal - Greed for Power - Secrets - Choice of Good or Evil

    Character Models: Great
    Personalities: Decent but why all of them horny at first sight

    Great - Calm or Action-packed
    Animation: Great
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games, that would do just fine without any H-scenes. Story is good, bit cliché maybe but it does the job.
    The girls are cute and their personalities are distinguishable.
    Surprisingly the writing feels very cohesive and enjoyable.
    I haven't encountered any major bug yet.

    If you're looking for a mindless fuck-fest this game is not for you.

    it goes without saying, i hope the game gets finished :)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, I really like the story so far. It has great characters, so I am going to play it till the end. The character designs are appealing to me. I like the scenes so far. It's great that all of the characters have different emotions. Every character has a unique story to tell. Humor is very good in it :);)
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    For a first game of the dev, I guess this game is fairly okay. The classical art style of models and background we saw in Corrupted Kingdoms, is a good choice for a first timer. The story is rather slowburn, for a first timer I'd say it's very much acceptable, but there are some issues with it, like sometimes having no real choice. I quit the game after being forced to sleep with Sora an Fuyu (one of the side characters). Don't get my wrong, I do want to get my H scene as any other f95 gamer, but not being able to postpone it and talk them down to take it slow just kinda... killed it for me (sorry dev, it ain't you, it's just me). Again, don't get me wrong, I enjoy my own share of some hardcore fetishes, but here it was obviously aimed on "romance" route and it just didn't sit well with me.
    I would give this VN a 3.5 stars, but since I can't really do that, here you have 3 stars, so others, that might not have any issues with the story, can enjoy it.

    Kind regards to you Mr/Mrs Dev, I might not be coming back, but hopefully I'll see some other project from you in the future
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Fall of the Angels [v0.3.3] [13th Sin Games] review -
    PROS -
    My friend recommended me try to this game , have to say it's certainly one among top five Koikatsu games that I played , like others I fell love in with the characters , love them all and I like this one more as it is neither slow burn or meet them fuck them type of game . Background music and animations are well done .Most of all it's pretty linear game and it doesn't have any point and click or grinding sandbox features . Overall the game felt kinda wholesome and gonna wait till the next updates comes .
    P.S . Guess someone doesn't know difference between sleep sex and rape and was gonna give 4 stars but changed it to 5 stars since it uses default renpy UI engine ( kidding )
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is easily one of the best I have ever play. It should be illegal for girls in a game to be this cute and adorable, all their personalities are well done and all of them contribute to the story in a way. Yeah they fall in love with the protagonist in a extremely cliche way but it is writed so good that I don't care and find them more hilarious and adorable than anything else.
    The story is surprisingly profound and deep. Your typical battle of good versus evil or angels against demons but with more personality and I bet a lot more plot twist to come.
    I sooooo recommend this game!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    English: 9
    User Interface: 8
    User Experience: 6
    Art: 8
    Dialogue: 4
    Story: 8
    Opinion: 5
    Avg: 6.86/10

    I want to say first and foremost, I know most of my gripes with the story will not be changed. Unfortunately. BUT, the UI has actually gotten a facelift. I'm so proud. (The options menu could still use an edit and it is using some template I see in all these VNs BUT STILL, -golf clap.-) And I also wanna say, I still do like this story. Good world building, a couple good characters, some good monologues. But if you review a game just to counteract views that are different than your own without giving thoughts or critiques, you don't give developers points to work on and improve. I'm gonna re-read this and see if any of my views have changed. I also realized waaay late that I'd helped and talked with Dev in the Renpy discord. Small world, nice guy. And hopefully the game won't end right after a bunch of ads for other games so I won't be reviewing this after being annoyed by padding and commercials lol. I will say, the real issue with this VN is the dialogue. All of the brain dead LI's do is gush about MC for showing common fucking decency. And NO ONE ever talks or references something that has happened outside the two weeks MC has existed, save for Aliza's neglect, Sina's mercenary work, Zoey's accident, and Lily's attack. And even then it's a large lore dump section, focused on that character's trauma. Not sprinkled into personable dialogues as you learn about the characters, because the LI's all just walk up to MC to tell him their life story. Not to mention the "wholesomeness" and the memes/references. I'm not saying to never do it, but it's a bit too much here. But, here we go, synopsis, complaints, score, summary.

    The story opens with MC literally falling from heaven, god's gift to women. He's an angel pushed out of Elysium to protect him from Zenera, a supposed Disney-esque villain that attacked to get to him for... Reasons. Well, actually, we just don't know them yet, as FOR ONCE on this site, it's not some dumb contrivance, we just still don't know what MC even is. She wants him for his power, and there's some hint as to some sort of relationship he has with Zenera, but this story is padded more than A-cups in a D-cup bra. Luckily for you, the reader, it's padded all with (in my opinion, wholly unearned) sex scenes. But I'm getting off track, MC falls to Earth and is rescued by Rosa. A mage that also runs a school for girls. She takes him home, unsure what to do, and wakes him up to get answers. Of which, he has none. Then Lily, her daughter, comes home, sees him, then falls for him immediately. (Almost) Every "romance" with the girls happens like this: She sees him, she gasps, he either says "Hi" or isn't even aware she's looking at him, and then she's obsessed with him. There are two women that don't follow that pattern, we'll get to them in a bit. I digress again. MC is very unconcerned that he's fallen to Earth, and instead of trying to get back right away, he wants to explore. I will excuse this early bit of apathy as he doesn't know the situation yet, but he never really seems to have a sense of urgency. And MC just wants to go to school. He is 500 years old. An angel. And a very powerful one at that. This story bring up a few times that he had "one more year" but what could one year of earth school teach an angel that's been in school for who knows how long? But whatever, that sets up the plot device for MC to meet the 24 women that will fawn over him.

    The first thing MC does is go to a mall and what happens? I think EIGHT girls do the aforementioned gasp, and fall in love. And it's not a subtle scene, the story goes to every group and makes sure you see that they drop what they're doing and gawk at MC. Anyway MC and Rosa go clothes shopping so he can attend the academy and it sets up Rosa as a love interest, showing how emotionally frail she is while still keeping some childlike glee. It does an okay job, but MC just kinda says "Don't be too hard on yourself, you're pretty and fun." And Rosa's now in love with him. And through the rest of the time leading up to his first day at school he meets a few of the girls and they're all smitten completely. Then MC makes it to class, the rest of the girls fall for him, a zombie even comes back to life over him, and the day just kinda skips to MC fighting Sinavera and ending up in a coma for days. During the "fight" Really it was a chokehold and a fiery punch, you learn MC has some non angelic powers. And this point of mystery is still unresolved. But it introduces the only LI that has character development, Sina, unfortunately her intro is overshadowed by MC's gary-stu powers activating. Then, I think, after the coma, Jyn relays Zenera's message about the Blood Moon. Less than two weeks away, something bad will happen. Obviously, she's warning she will attack the Earth and from this point until the Blood Moon, MC pretty much does nothing. He goes on dates, karaoke, "solves" all the LI's problems, and references a lot of movies. But he had a week and a half to train, figure anything out, prepare for a war, anything. But he doesn't. It's a lot of "wholesome" interpersonal not-drama then suddenly Zenera makes good on her word, attacks, and everyone is shocked. Then mid-battle this update ends. So if you're like me, and enjoy the world building, mystery, and villains that seem like they might be justified in their actions, you get blue-balled.

    I'm well aware most of the people that are enamored with this story still laugh at memes like "hand-holding is too lewd" But this strange crossover of wholesome and lewd just feels off to me. All the sweet or friendly banal scenes all read like an episode of barney and friends. As if they're younger than they're supposed to be. "Don't worry [LI Name], you can do it" "(everyone cheers/awwweee)" And this does the issue I have a lot where it feels like no one in the story has ever done anything ever preceding anything here. And the "romance." Since there's only one woman (possibly two) that's not in Love with MC right away, Sina is the only character I can think of that is even interesting. Sure, Aria has a "rough" back and forth with MC but she was introduced on the day of the blood moon so it took a whole 3 hours for her to fall for him. MC turning into a babbling idiot when the girls are forward, him being literally 25 times their age, is too much. Maybe I missed it somewhere, but the ONLY hint as to why he's like that is the context clues on how angels are regarded. That and his just complete disregard for going home or even trying to do anything other than get 20 girls knocked up make MC the weakest part of the story. If you're really curious about my gripes I have my notes and old review below.

    So to my scores, obviously the English is great, I think I saw barely a few spelling mistakes, this isn't written by some russian shovelware dev. The UI and UX got a huge facelift and it all looks really good. I will say the quick menu is a little big and intrusive but two thumbs up. The art is still great. It's some of the best Koikatsu visuals that are on this site, hands down. The dialogue is "AWEEEE THATS SWEET" "(gasps softly)" or "[INSERT PREQUEL MEME/MOVIE QUOTE HERE]" and it's just grating. It doesn't even stop when there's serious fighting scenes, tone it down a touch moving forward, please? The story I love, I'm intrigued, I'm hooked, I want to know more. The shame was the padding, I just think it could have been done a little differently, but I'm excited to see how this all unfolds. Keep up the good work, Dev.

    TL;DR: I like the story, the art is good, the UI is almost completely reworked, and it feels like a passion project a lot of the time. The constant references, light speed love stories, and an MC that I just don't like currently drag this down.

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  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Average koikatsu game with above average amounts of waffle. Seriously LOTS of pointless talking. Which is weird because I initially felt like the pace was seriously rushed. It still is. MC manages to bed or get bedded by his harem hopefuls at a blindingly fast rate. At first one might call him a mary sue, but I don't think that's the case. He does in fact suffer from several flaws, to many in fact. He himself says he's a demigod rather early on, and there are multiple instances of NPCs making claims at being even stronger then he should be so he has a metric shit tonne of problems to cover for being such a chad.

    And again there is A LOT of recycled talking most of which boils down to "You're so beautiful no matter what" and " I'll put it in, but only because you accept being a part of a harem with all your heart." The story starts to feel like it's part of some sort of loop at some point. Girl gets introduced => everyone gushes about MC => Girl gets stuffed => Everyone feels bad then hugs it out. Rinse and repeat. It doesn't have any sort of natural feel to it. The references to Japanese culture and Japan are ham fisted at best and always shoehorned in, I get that it's a fantasy world and it can be whatever the author wants, but when you're frequently being presented with excerpts of said culture and japanese idioms, the least you could do is either put the mc in proper festival clothing or explain why he has to dress up as some strange vaguely oriental stripper. You've got him in a pair oh chaps and shirtless for crying out loud.

    The visuals are standard koikotsu fair, wardrobe is above average I'll admit. But the animations should be more then one animation displayed in slow speed and then fast enough to cause friction burns. There is no middle, even in the dialogue during sex. It is always "Oh that feels nice" immediately switching to "OH GOD! RIGHT THERE! YES! YESH! OOOOO~" There is no in between.

    The soundtrack has some effort put into it. On the other hand the use of the Record Needle trope is used like a blunt instrument, constantly smashing you in the face with mood changes even when it just isn't needed. It's a good trope when used with moderation like all things. It's telegraphed so hard it loses it's original value.

    A good cast with interesting plot threads. I'm quite fond of several of the girls, although I feel like ignoring the ones the MC should technically be closest to literally and physically is fucking strange. Saving the best for last sometimes just doesn't make sense! Give us more scenes down the line instead of building up suspense or whatever. A "slow burn" is not a descriptor for this game in the least...
    If I could I'd run away with Rosalyn and watch the world burn.

    I would like to see the game grow and hopefully not advertise other games so much too.

    Overall the game is average with very vanilla scenes and heavy emphasis on collection of harem members. The plot is great , so is the back story. The writing is longwinded but you'll prolly like it if you like at least 4 of the tags applied to the game altogether.

    EDIT: reviewed the thread a bit before posting and realized I had made an oversight during my playthrough. The inclusion of a walkthrough mode is nice but I feel bad that I needed it! D:
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I´m in awe, every time.
    This game is far above standard in so many ways.
    Awesome broadly branched story to tell, not only the main story but from every single character you wanna (gonna) meet and their possible links at a point in time in the past. This paired with an awesome sense of humor and scenic renders scenes gives you those up and downs in feelings.
    The renders are awesome, even for honey select (gg), lighting, placement, content. Many of them telling you more stories in the background.
    Oh, did I mentioned that this is an game for adults? This means above all the good stuff you also getting the "gooood" stuff ;)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Fall of the Angels v0.3.2
    Accidentally stumbled upon this game , got to say I got pretty hooked up with the story that I ended up playing it till the end . Lovely models and MC personality and humor in the story are wonderful . Animations and sounds are nicely done . Surprised by the amount of content for one person dev .
    On summary Marvellous game dev looking forward for the next update and the story progression would've given it 10 stars if I could , going for the next best thing 5 stars .
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    My review of Fall of the Angels [v0.3.2]

    Story is pretty boring.
    You are the chosen one Gary Stu MC (an angel this time) and every girl immediately wants to have sex with you, because you're so special.

    Writing isn't terrible, but with a story like this I found myself too bored to continue after 1-2 hours.

    Graphics are the usual Koikatsu stuff, with pretty anime faces and atrocious-looking everything else + extra clipping errors everywhere.

    Audio is decent, but not too special either.

    Overall a completely average game, that doesn't stand out in any way, and follows the same formula as hundreds of other games.
    I don't really know why this is rated so highly.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simply fantastic. If you're looking for a quick fap, I would look somewhere else, this is not that kind of game. The story feels really well planned out and more importantly, it is damn good. The characters are well developed and likeable. Even the MC is genuinely likeable, something that is a must for me. The dev has done an exceptional job of picking and utilizing music to help set the scene throughout the story. As of writing this, it's only part way through Chapter 3 and there are already hours of game play in this one. I would highly recommend giving this one a try.